Friday, July 31, 2009



Burden of HIV


HIV sentinel surveillance prevalence map

The map shows the number of HIV patients and affected places in Malaysia.

There are various ways prone to HIV infections among residents of Malaysia nowadays, such as :

  • Women receiving antenatal care in government facilities
  • Blood donors
  • Inmates of drug rehabilitation centres
  • High-risk prison inmates ( drug users, drug dealers and sex workers )
  • Confirmed tuberculosis cases
  • STD cases
  • Patients with suspected clinical symptoms
  • Traced contacts of confirmed infected persons

  • First HIV case detected in 1986
  • 31st December 2005, there was 70559 cases notified to Ministry of Health


From the bar chart, we can concluded that the number of HIV infections increases linearly from year 1993 - 2005.


Based on the statistic that shown, the percentage of man patients decreases is due to percentage of women patients increases.

This had shown Malaysia society at age range 30-39 is the main group of HIV patients ( men and women )


There are 3 types of HIV transmissions which are IDU, Hetero and Homo/Bi with different percentage as shown in the line graph where type of transmission Homo/Bi has the less percentage followed by Hetero and IDU.

2900 patients registered since 1992
  • New patients per year:
~ about 150 (1993) to about 565 (2005) patients
  • 82% Malays IV users
  • 78% Chinese infected through sex
  • 70% educational level :
~less than form three
  • Employment : 79% blue-collared workers

~~~Prevention strategies~~~

In order to avoid yourself become a HIV victims, here are some of the methods that you can practised :
  • Has to be individualised for countries, districts, communities, etc.
  • Targeted VS Generalised
  • Aim : Behaviour change
  • Community sensitive
  • Gender sensitive
  • Obstructive policies need to be addressed
  • Multi-sectorial involvement often required


  1. According to the bar chart shown in the Cumulative HIV Infection in Malaysia from year 1993 til year 2005, the number of HIV patients increases linearly due to social illnesses especially in hectic cities. For instance, Johor Bahru and Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Line graph HIV in Malaysia proportion men and women by year showed number of women inclined slightly because young people (aged 20 - 39 ) are the fastest growing group of newly infected person with approximately 6000 individuals infected each day. Girls in this age group are increasingly more likely to be infected than boys.
  3. Bar chart age distribution concluded that adults around 20 - 39 consider the most drastic HIV infected group. This condition will maintain if there are lack of awareness and society's concern towards this community.

HIV or human immunodeficiency virus is a type of virus that causes AIDS ( acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) which human immune system begins to weaken and finally leading to life-threatening opportunistic infections. Therefore, proactive steps should be taken to create awareness among us in order to reduce HIV infection :-

  • HIV education programs for school children with various models
  • Harm reduction programs:
~ methadone maintenance treatment ~ needle exchange programs
  • Targeted condom promotion
  • Women specific and sensitive programs
  • Involvement of civil society such as religious, community leaders and corporate scetors
